Set in 1945, a group of artists and one "elderly woman of unbalanced mental capacity" work to stop a greedy profiteer and his gang of villains from blowing up Paris to search for oil. It is an iconic tale of finding joy in an environment that is overwhelmed with a challenge of beauty vs. greed.
Cameron Kofalt
“I am a senior theatre major at Franciscan. In high-school I didn’t have a whole lot of experience with theatre or acting, but I knew it was something I wanted to pursue. When I came to Franciscan as a Freshman, I fell in love with the theatre and my passion for acting and drama has been there ever since. I am currently directing a one-act play here at the university that will be showing on the last weekend of April. I’ve loved all that the theatre department has had to offer and I hope to take the skills that I have learned here into a future career.”
The Tragedy of Richard III is based loosely on the final stretch of England’s War of the Roses, a series of battles between the House of York and the House of Lancaster that lasted many years.
This play tells a light-hearted story of a small oil business's struggle to stay afloat amidst the fast-paced companies building up around them. Directed by two students, Brigita Ruta and Thomas Bodoh, this play contains mistaken identity, hidden love, and so much more!
Two Gentlemen of Verona is about two best friends, Proteus and Valentine. They travel to Milan where they both fall in love with Silvia. Silvia loves Valentine, but Proteus pursues her despite the fact he has a girlfriend at home. The story that unfolds is both comedic and heart-warming to audiences of all ages.
THE VISIT defies easy categorization. Often called a tragicomedy, it is both darkly funny and disturbingly ominous. It tells the story of a down and out town that must choose between the millions offered to it by a now-wealthy former citizen, Claire Zachanassian, and the life of the town’s most popular citizen on whose head Claire has placed a bounty.