Merry Christmas, George Bailey! is adapted from the popular Frank Capra movie It’s a Wonderful Life. The play will be presented as a live radio show set in the 1940s, with much of the action taking place through voice acting.

Patricia Voigt
“Deciding to do theatre as a career is the best and most fulfilling choice I have ever made. The theatre program at Franciscan University allows for me to grow in every aspect of theatre, onstage and off, which prepares me for the real world. It is extremely challenging, but in the best way possible. And furthermore, theatre is an art that truly allows those working in it to express strong truths in a way that is abstract and insanely beautiful at the same time. And it sadly is vastly underappreciated. It’s community, it’s truth, and it brings out the best parts of me that were hidden and stifled for so long.”
The play explores Christian themes as it examines a society based on outward appearance and social status rather than the worth of each individual soul. Ultimately, it reinforces the core of Catholic social teaching, which is to respect the dignity of each human life regardless of appearance.
The romantic heroine, Raina Petkoff, is engaged to marry the gallant Major Sergius Saranoff, but then her life is turned upside-down late one night when a war-ravaged soldier breaks into her room seeking shelter. Raina is faced with the harsh reality of war and the meaning of true love.